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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Changes to Membership Payment - watch for an email.  

When you receive an email from, please log into the portal to create a "profile" and confirm your email address.    Please be patient as this is a VERY COMPLEX rollout with some 800 Leagues throughout the nation.
 Future membership RENEWAL notices will be sent on your usual renewal date from LWV Membership.  

Membership Renewals will be paid to LWVUS by online using your credit card or bank routing number or check.  If you use a check, write it to LWVUS and send to:   LWV Sacramento, P.O. Box 22778, Sacramento CA 95822.

Additional donations to your local Sacramento League should be written to LWV Sacramento and mailed to the same address.

This is a big change for Leagues across the county and you have local friendly voices for questions:  CONTACT CLAUDIA OR CAROL or 916-447-8683 msg.

LWV Sacramento looks forward to the growth of our membership with referrals now coming from LWVUS!   And, after the change the local league will receive 20% of dues paid instead of the 7.6% of due prior to this change.  Woohoo for more members and increased support for our voters services, membership activities, advocacy efforts and administrative support!

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)

Voter Services

Governance Team
  • advocates for inclusion of community voices in local governance
  • advocated for Sacramento City Lobbying Ordinance, Transparency Ordinance, and Ethics and Independent Redistricting Commissions
  • Contact Advocacy for more.
More Education and Advocacy
  • Housing & Homelessness
  • Criminal Justice
  • Climate Change
  • Membership
  • Communications
  • Contact League Information.

Our League

The League of Women Voters of Sacramento County (LWVSC), a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.   We serve Sacramento County including the cities of Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Galt, Isleton, Rancho Cordova and Sacramento.


Phone (916) 447-8683

League of Women Voters of Sacramento
P.O. Box 22778 
Sacramento CA 95822